December, 2023 – March, 2024 · Ice Shows in Switzerland
December, 2023 – March, 2024 · Ice Shows in Switzerland

December, 2023 – March, 2024 · Ice Shows in Switzerland

Magic on Ice 2024 & Ice Shows in Switzerland

This winter I was so lucky to participate in several ice shows, outside of the one I got used to participating at my home rink, in Bülach, which never happened before. There were two small ones I got invited to, and the big ones: Art on Ice.

Engelberg (December 26, 2023)
The invitation arrived out of the clear blue sky to skate in Engelberg, right after Christmas. Engelberg is such a nice place, surrounded by beautiful mountains, and the show was a cozy little event with a surprisingly big number of skaters, and the ice quality was very good. I skated both my SP and FS, and of course I wanted to skate them clean. I always want to skate clean, and this mindset always makes me nervous, and then I can’t skate clean. 😂 After the show I spent a few days there with my family, enjoying the time together and relaxing. I’m really grateful for the invitation. I hope I can come again next year. 😊

Magic On Ice in Bülach (March 3, 2024)
This year’s theme was Movies. I was grateful that in Bülach, skaters know each other so well, because this year the preparation was quite rapid. We didn’t have enough time to rehearse everything together as we used to do. But despite that, all went well in the end. My favorite program I skated was from The Greatest Showman, ‘This Is Me’, and if everything goes as planned, I will be able to publish that on my YouTube channel, so more people can watch it.

This year’s show was special to me. I don’t really know how to write about it, but the whole time I was thinking about what if this is the last time I skate on this ice, with these people. I’m a junior skater now, and I want to do everything I can to become the best skater I can be. My future looks less predictable than before. What if next year I won’t be able to come, because I will have other obligations?
Bülach will always be my home. It will always mean the years to me when I started to skate. No matter what my life will bring, I will cherish these memories forever. ♥️

Magic on Ice in Sursee (March 24, 2024)
Magic on Ice must be a popular name for ice shows it seems. I was quite surprised when the invitation came, but when I saw that it fits into my schedule, I happily agreed to take part, because of the experience I hoped to gain from it.

I skated my two competition programs from the last season, the Earth Song (SP), and the SOS from Dimash. I love that song very much. „SOS d’un terrien en détresse“ is definitely one of the bests of Dimash.

Regarding the experience I wanted to gain: I got it right away. According to the program my SP was scheduled, I prepared for my SP with my costume and starting pose, but the music they started to play was my FS music. 😅 This wasn’t a competition to stop and complain, I just started skating my SP, then I tried to melt it into my FS choreo as smoothly as possible. I managed to change a bit of choreography and transfer from my short steps to my long steps.

The jumps weren’t the best I ever did, but at least I tried my best. Looking back, it was kind of fun, but definitely challenging.

The audience was quite nice, although a bit quiet. A few hundred people, maybe. They were clapping, but I couldn’t tell if they really enjoyed what they saw. It was quite different from the Bülach audience.

I was sad that I didn’t get to see anything from Sursee as a place. But the ice rink was quite nice. This sentence might sound weird, but it was unusually cold there. 😉
I was really happy to perform, and I hope I will get invited in the future again.