Ean Weiler


Would you support me?

Figure skating is a very costly sport. My mom tries everything to provide me and I also try to earn money to cover the costs. Would you consider to support me, you could buy me a coffee on Ko-fi. I value every small amount greatly. I also have TWINT and PayPal.me .
Thank you in advance.

Sponsorship over €500 grants a display on the website.


Would you like to support me by sponsoring training equipment? Possibilities would be:

★ skates ~ 769.00 CHF

★ blades ~ 699.00 CHF

★ skate protectors ~ 60.00 CHF

★ training socks ~ 10.00 CHF / pair

★ training jacket ~ 150.00 CHF

★ training pants ~ 120.00 CHF

★ club jacket ~ 120.00 CHF

★ competition costume ~ 1000.00 CHF

★ train tickets ~ 1650.00 CHF


Would you like to sponsor a special part of my training?

★ private lesson including patch ~ 140.00 CHF / hour

★ club membership ~ 600.00 CHF / season

★ SIS license ~ 200 CHF / year

★ Swiss Cup competitions entry fee CHF 250.00 / competition

★ International competitions, including travel and accommodation ~ 1500.00 CHF / competition

★ Summer camp 2 weeks, including arrival & stay ~ 3500.00 CHF


For annual sponsorship please contact me to arrange an agreement.
I really appreciate any kind of material or financial help. My dream is to become a great figure skater but expenses are limiting my possibilities.
Please help me to achieve my dreams.

Current Sponsors

Special Thanks

I am so grateful for all individual patrons who helped me in the past or helping me right now with regular or occasional small amounts through PayPal, Ko-fi, or any other channels.
Thank you for you all.
Your help is greatly appreciated and I will never forget your support.