June 24, 2023 · Memories of my first ever Junior Grand Prix Selection Day
June 24, 2023 · Memories of my first ever Junior Grand Prix Selection Day

June 24, 2023 · Memories of my first ever Junior Grand Prix Selection Day

Memories of my first ever Junior Grand Prix Selection Day

June 24, 2023

This was a big day. I told everyone I’m fine but of course I wasn’t calm or relaxed at all. I was tense and focused. I was tense because the time felt too short to prepare, to perfect my elements and I felt I’d rather not have this today, but another day when I can show up with a mature performance in my best form. But the day was today and I had no choice but to try to do my best. My goal was “simple”. To land all my jumps as perfectly and as clean as I can. But of course not everything went well. I didn’t do my 3T+3T combination and I even did a step out on my 2A+Eu+3S. I wasn’t happy about that at all. Yet, I can tell that at least I gained experience in many levels. I know I need to work on my landings, my body position, my hands, my everything, because next time I’ll perform, my goal is to be able to do my program perfectly clean, having all triple jumps in it and do the full choreography as it is designed.

Before the competition I was nervous. But afterwards, when I knew I managed despite the odds, I was happy. And it was over. I celebrated with eating ice cream on the way home. 😀

On a separate note, I’m extremely excited about my new program. When I heard S.O.S. from Dimash Qudaibergen the first time I knew this music would be amazing to skate to. When it was decided my mom asked Satomi Ito to design a new costume for it and what she came up with was wonderful. I love the colors, I love the look, it is so perfectly fitting to the music.
Wish me good luck. 🙂