January 29-31, 2024 · Bavarian Open 2024 · Oberstdorf, Germany
January 29-31, 2024 · Bavarian Open 2024 · Oberstdorf, Germany

January 29-31, 2024 · Bavarian Open 2024 · Oberstdorf, Germany

Bavarian Open 2024 – Oberstdorf, Germany

Day 1-2 · Practice & Short Program
Although I missed my chance of being selected for YOG and Junior Worlds, I wanted to put my focus on the future. My thoughts were often on the next season already. After the Swiss Nationals I practiced my spins and jumps extensively to get better at them. Bavarian Open was my last competition of this season and I wanted to give it all I had. 

Friday was only a practice day. I had two sessions. The first practice went amazingly well, I felt light like a feather. Saturday I only attended the morning session, I didn’t want to drain energy before the SP. I did work hard to refine my jumps and spins so I expected to be able to skate clean. Yet again, I didn’t manage. The fall on the 3T was so unexpected. But it seemed I also have to work on my Flip a bit more in the future. I would have liked to have more speed while changing positions in my spins too. Despite everything, when I saw the scores my heart wanted to jump out of my chest. 57.60. The best I ever earned for a SP. Even with the fall and the call on the Flip. I knew I can’t change the past but I wished so much had I been able to skate this well at the Swiss Nationals. At least I knew I’m on the right path.
I got very excited for the FS.

Day 3-4 · Free Skate & Good-bye
Sunday my practice was around lunch time and my FS was set to the evening. It was not ideal to start with but I was still quite excited. The warm up went well but when I stepped on the ice I felt something strange and as I took my starting position I knew that my nose had just started bleeding. It went through my mind that I didn’t drink enough water but there was nothing I could do about it, I had to start to skate. The next four minutes felt like a battle. I did my best not to lose focus despite the strange feeling in my nose and I’m glad nobody decided to stop me because in spite of everything when I finally sat in the Kiss&Cry, stressed out of what just happened and saw my overall scores I wanted to jump and dance around. I got 112.65 for my FS and totaled with 170.25. Best scores I ever had in my life. I finished 4th.

On the way home I had a lot to think about. Bavarian Open taught me how to fight under very disturbing circumstances and I also realized how badly I needed to land my 3A. I need that jump to level up, to score higher.

The season has ended. There was spring in the air and I could’t wait to go to Champéry again for training camp and work on my 3A harder than ever.